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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hey guys! I know what many of you are thinking! Where have I been? I was doing so good updating on a daily basis, but life takes it's toll and decides to work however it pleases. I got really busy in the past two weeks with my internship ending =( and trying to enjoy my last weeks in the city. I wish this summer could be endless. This has seriously been one of the best summers I've had in a long time. It's been a blessing! I couldn't ask for a more exciting one. The summer isn't over yet and I will still be traveling to Chicago and Houston in the coming weeks, but I will do my best to update the blog more. Right now, I'm enjoying reading you guys blogs and commenting on your posts!

I also have a few plans for the blog as well! I'm in the process of having a new writer post on here with me! She knows who she is & I hope she's reading this! After looking at my feedback, I noticed that you all like the ones focused more on DIY, fashion, and thrifting so I will try to include more of that.

I hope your summers are going just as great as mine is. Leave me a comment and tell me what you want to read/see more of on this blog!

Currently still reading: Fifty Shades of Grey (small rant: I may be the only woman in the world who does not want a Christian Grey, he's too much for me!)


  1. Dont worry you are not, he is too much for me either. I am reading the 2nd book and he is starting to be a little more normal but he is such a creeper. Reminds me of my ex, no thank you.

  2. ha i dont want a christian grey either!
    i love this! so cute!
    love your blog! You have such great taste!
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    would be an honour!
    thanks so much, have a great week

  3. I love it ! Check out the giveaway on my shopping portal for a while!

    Thank You.
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  4. i know the feeling! being too busy to blog, but summer isn't over yet and the wether in houston is CRAZY!!!

  5. Haha! I fell in love with Christian Grey. I think the dominate sex life is a little too much BUT the powerful man that wants to cater to her every need and desire is what I fell in love with. Let me know what you think of the whole trilogy after you read all 3.

    Sincerely Daja

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