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Monday, July 1, 2013

Why Retail Therapy Actually Works!

I am a firm believer in retail therapy, of course that is every shopping junkie's excuse as to why she must spend so much personal time with her bank card, but in all honestly, shopping can be the most comforting personal time one can have, regardless if you have money to spend or if you're just browsing. This past weekend, I enjoyed some retail therapy of my own, I checked out a new TJ Maxx, and a new thrift store. Even though I didn't find anything, it still allowed for some great ME-Time!

1. Shopping makes you smile!

2. You don't need to bring anyone with you, you can have just as much fun shopping alone than with someone else. I like to plug in my headphones and zone out to Frank Ocean. Soothing music + browsing clothing racks = priceless.

3. You forget about everything negative. Seeing new faces, cute knick knacks, and other random products distracts you from the things you don't want to think about. You'll be to busy blushing while pondering about the item you just picked up.

4. Get in some good time on the phone with your friend. Making time to text or call a friend back is time consuming, but doing it while you shop will have the time passing right before your eyes. It's another way to release energy to finally get whatever it is out that you've been dying to tell your friend.

5. Exploring new stores is an adventure. I do this often. It's like taking a mini vacation in the middle of the week. 

6. Rewarding yourself is like being a kid in a candy store. You deserve a nice treat

7. Work hard, play harder. You've earned your money, and it's meant to be spent. There's something about swiping a credit card that sends a burst of energy down my spine!

8. Getting a deal on an item, is like winning the lottery! You feel like you just cheated the system, getting something for almost nothing. I went to H&M today and had a Budgetnista moment that I will tell you guys about soon!

9. Don't just shop for yourself, buy something for someone else! I get so excited when I'm shopping for others, the feeling of giving in itself is rewarding.

10. If you look good you feel good! My motto.

xoxo SummerxKim

1 comment:

  1. I'm always doing some retail therapy! Number 8 is so true! Its crazy how much joy a good sale brings me
